Monatsarchive: August 2020

Overdose deaths during COVID-19

Philadelphia Inquirer: In the midst of a state of disaster due to COVID-19, on Wednesday, Gov. Tom Wolf renewed another disaster declaration — the one over the opioid epidemic. First issued in January 2018, the 11th renewal of the 90-day disaster … Weiterlesen

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The Pledge

Guardian: “Some Democratic caucus members omitted ‘one nation under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance during [convention] meetings,” the fact-checking website [Politifact] wrote. “But the line was not excluded from any of the convention’s primetime televised spots. “On the first night … … Weiterlesen

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This [US] is a unique, exceptional country. Russia is unique, but not exceptional. —Mike Pompeo, Senate confirmation hearing FAZ: Es habe stets die Möglichkeit bestanden, dass Russland oder China solchen Sanktionierungen nicht zugestimmt hätte, Vertragsverletzungen durch Iran also ohne Folgen … Weiterlesen

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Ich war einer der letzten Live-Rock’n’Roller der deutschen Politik. Jetzt kommt in allen Parteien die Playback-Generation. —Joschka Fischer, taz, 23.09.2005

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Weimar, May 22, 2018

Kommentare deaktiviert für Weimar, May 22, 2018

A mature people, events beyond U.S. shores, optimism, disappointment, Vietnam agony, hysterias, health and vigor of society

George Will, Washington Post: The novel coronavirus has reminded Americans of something that a mature people should not need to be reminded of: Governments do not get to pick their priorities and preoccupations. Forces and events beyond U.S. shores get a vote, and … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für A mature people, events beyond U.S. shores, optimism, disappointment, Vietnam agony, hysterias, health and vigor of society

Mistakes, consideration

New York Times: Deploying a little-known National Guard reconnaissance plane in four American cities to monitor protests this spring did not violate rules against the military collecting intelligence on citizens, a Pentagon report has concluded. But the report by the Air … Weiterlesen

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BBC: A volunteer fire-fighting corps made up of state prisoners, which has helped the state battle blazes since World War Two, has been diminished this year due to the pandemic. Los Angeles Times: Cal Fire’s union leadership began sounding the … Weiterlesen

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Das kleinere von zwei Übeln – keine andere Wahl

Dorothea Hahn, taz: Sanders selbst unterstützt Biden. Er tut es ohne Enthusiasmus, aber entschlossen. Seinen Anhängern sagt er: „Wir haben keine Wahl. Wir müssen ihn wählen.“ Ab dem ersten Amtstag des neuen Präsidenten will Sanders mit seiner Basis für Klimapolitik, Krankenversicherungen … Weiterlesen

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Let us begin

Let us begin — you and I together, one nation, under God — united in our love for America and united in our love for each other. For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear … Weiterlesen

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Ally of The Light

David Smith, Guardian: “Here and now, I give you my word,” Biden said. “If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not … Weiterlesen

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Courage and conviction versus siding with the ayatollahs

BBC: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has accused European allies of „siding with the ayatollahs“ after they said the US could not reimpose sanctions on Iran. The UK, France and Germany said the US did not have the legal … Weiterlesen

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